Saturday, March 6, 2010

So... It has been a long time coming but I've finally managed to sit down for 5 minutes and get this little project off the ground.

For those of you who know me, you'll know that I've been throwing around the idea of a contributor based cycling photo blog for a little while now, so it will all probably look a little familiar, but for those who don't me, here's the deal:

Once a week I'll post an article which will include an invite for people to contribute an image from their riding adventures from that week. It doesn't have to be some fancy SLR shot, in fact, I want photos shot from the hip as your're racing along on your trusty steeds, photos taken on your phone or little point and shoot as you're cruising with your mates, or taking on the commuter cup race to and from work.

Then, once a month one photo will be chosen for a little something from the 1st Muse Productions musette range...

There are no object rules, though there may be theme photo comps randomly throughout the year. I ask only that your photos don't include disrespectful butt/cleavage shots as they won't be posted.

First round will commence next week!

Enjoy your long weekend everyone


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